segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2023

(Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen (Dannemann)) (Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen) Matilda /Mathiesen/ Nascida a 9 de novembro de 1899 - Loimaa, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finnland Falecida a 14 de julho de 1986 - Curitiba, Parana, Brasilien, com a idade de 86 anos

 (Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen (Dannemann))
(Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen)
 Matilda /Mathiesen/

F  Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen (Dannemann)

  • (Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen (Dannemann))
    (Anna Martha Elisabeth Mathisen)
     Matilda /Mathiesen/

    • Nascida a 9 de novembro de 1899 - Loimaa, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finnland
    • Falecida a 14 de julho de 1986 - Curitiba, Parana, Brasilien, com a idade de 86 anos


 Casamento(s) e filho(s)

    • Casada a 26 de dezembro de 1925, Curitiba, Parana, Brasilien, com Johann Georg Jacob 1902-1977 tiveram


 Avós maternos, tios e tias


  • 9 de novembro de 1899 :Nascimento - Loimaa, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finnland
    unehelich; In dem Fall war es üblich, dass das Kind den Nachnamen der Mutter erhalten hat. Vermutlich später geändert auf den Namen des Vaters "Mathisen"
    Fontes: UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960 - - 2012 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,2997::0 - <p>Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.</p> - The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; BT27 Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and Successors: Outwards Passenger Lists; Reference Number: Series BT27-136353 - 1,2997::38299362
    30 de setembro de 1921 :Departure - Southhampton, United Kingdom
    Anna ist mit den Eltern von Finnland nach England, Hull mit der Finska Linie gereist und von Southhampton mit dem Schiff "Almanzora" nach Santos weiter gereist. Der Zielhafen war Buenos Aires.
    Fontes: UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960 - - 2012 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,2997::0 - <p>Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.</p> - The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; BT27 Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and Successors: Outwards Passenger Lists; Reference Number: Series BT27-136353 - 1,2997::38299362
    outubro de 1921 :Arrival - Santos, Brazil
    Fontes: UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960 - - 2012 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,2997::0 - <p>Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.</p> - The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; BT27 Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and Successors: Outwards Passenger Lists; Reference Number: Series BT27-136353 - 1,2997::38299362
    26 de dezembro de 1925 :Casamento (com Johann Georg Jacob) - Curitiba, Parana, Brasilien
    14 de julho de 1986 :Morte - Curitiba, Parana, Brasilien


    • Pessoa, nascimento: UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960 - - 2012 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,2997::0 - <p>Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies. The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.</p> - The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; BT27 Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and Successors: Outwards Passenger Lists; Reference Number: Series BT27-136353 - 1,2997::38299362

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